Featuring the Innovative ROIP Solutions from Cubic Vocality 

Vocality RoIP (Radio over IP) helps bridge the gap between disparate radio types, building a single unified radio system with push-to-talk connectivity, no matter the radio brand, frequency or technology.

Suitable for use in a wide range of markets including emergency services, energy production, military applications and more. The Vocality RoIP provides users with a simple to use, small form-factor radio connectivity solution, unlike any in our market today.

  • RoIP Gateway – Connect push-to-talk radios into IP infrastructure, for onward connection to VoIP phones, telephone PBX systems, radio dispatch servers and push-to-talk smartphone applications
  • Multi-bearer Support – Automatically switch between networks including cellular, Wi-Fi, fixed line and satellite-based on user preference, helping to maintain connectivity and reduce service charges
  • Integrated 4G LTE – Connect radios via 4G LTE networks for connectivity beyond normal radio range to anywhere in the world

Questions about Cubic? Reach out to your Allcan Sales Representative, or visit our Cubic catalog below: